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healthy fats - avocado, salmon, nuts

These Food “Trends” Are Worth A Second Look

These days, it seems there are always new products being put on the shelves, and new trends being discussed in blogs. Gluten-free, paleo, Mediterranean, shakes, crackers, cookies, etc. Food trends are everywhere.

There are a few food trends, however, that may be worth a second look.

  1. Fat

Goodbye low-fat… fat is back! For decades, fat was made out to be the enemy of health. However, science is now changing the way we view fat as a part of a healthy diet. This health revelation is especially important for diabetics.

Research has shown that eating a diet rich in good fats lowers risk for heart disease, obesity and type II diabetes complications.  According to the American Heart Association, new research has shown that replacing unhealthy fats in one’s diet with healthy fats can reduce cholesterol levels and heart disease risk as much as prescription statin medications do!

According to several studies, it is not the amount of fat you eat that affects health, it is the type of fat. There are several different types of fats, each found in a variety of foods. It is crucial to choose the right healthy fats in order to reap these benefits.

Monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fatty acids are two “good fats.” These fats have been found to lower cholesterol and blood pressure levels, therefore, reducing risk of heart disease.

These good fats can be found in a variety of nuts, as well as in avocado, peanut butter, olive oil, and in fish like salmon and mackerel.

Choose full-fat butter, yogurt, cream, milk… everything! Fat is far better than sugar. And when possible, choose grass-fed butter, yogurt, cream, etc. Much better for your health than the standard.

  1. Insect Protein

Now now, don’t wrinkle your nose. Insects have been eaten around the world for a very, very long time. Here in the U.S., insects are now gaining popularity as an alternative food source.

Crickets (mainly grinded down into cricket flour) can be used in items liked baked goods, pastas, even ice cream. This is a sustainable protein source that has little to no financial impact on the consumer, and more importantly, no negative impact on the environment.

This trend may seem off-putting at first glance, but this movement has the potential to end the fight against hunger in this country, and around the world. With implications like that, this trend is certainly worth a second look… don’t you think?

  1. Not-potato chips

You’ve seen them in your local grocery store. Potato chips are still offered on the traditional product aisles, but the specialty aisles are now showcasing alternative chips. Kale chips, sweet potato chips, black bean chips, coconut chips, even popcorn chips!

These chip options are great for diabetics, as they usually mean more fiber and less carbs. Don’t forget to check those labels and ingredient lists though!

  1. Tea

In the U.S., we are crazy for coffee, but tea has been the most popular beverage worldwide for centuries. Seemingly endless flavors of tea (both caffeinated and non-caffeinated) can relax, soothe, and ease your mind.

With the addition of different spices and herbs, in some cultures, tea is medicine. From a stomachache, to a pounding head, to high levels of stress, tea can be prescribed to heal what ails you. Next time you go to a coffee shop, try a hot or iced tea instead, and give this trend a try.

  1. Veggies

“Plant-based eating” is continuing to gain popularity here in the U.S. You don’t have to identify as a vegetarian or vegan in order to embrace plant-based eating.

A plant-based diet is defined by the focus being on plant proteins (veggies, beans, nuts, and whole grains) rather than proteins sources that come from animals (meat, fish, and poultry.)

While many people have health, environmental, or conscience-prompted reasons for embracing this type of diet, balance is important. Those who choose to eat plant-based foods only must take special care to get the full spectrum of nutrition needed by the body.

We hope you consider giving these popular trends a try, or at least a second glance!






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