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Could Social Media Help You Lose Weight?

Social media as a weight loss tool? It’s true! New research has found that individuals are more likely to achieve success with personal goals when they publicly commit to them.

By making that public commitment (on Facebook or Instagram for example) the individual increases his or her likelihood of sticking with it! This works especially well with fitness and weight loss goals.

Think about it – not only are you opening yourself up to literally hundreds of accountability partners, you are also joining a community in which to share your successes and your struggles. You are providing yourself with the reality of never being alone in your health journey.

This research affirms – when it comes to weight loss, don’t go it alone! Identify the supportive individuals in your life. Tell them about your goals and ask them to keep you accountable and motivated as you work toward those goals. This group could consist of family members, friends, and coworkers you connect with in-person or on social media, or even in online support groups.

Aside from your personal social media accounts, online support communities can offer anonymity, which some individuals may prefer. You have the same opportunity to share highs and lows, and be held accountable by other group members, but your personal information is not revealed.

Do you like the idea of technology helping you stick with your health goals? There are several great fitness and weight loss apps you can download straight to your smartphone… most are even free! Track your nutrition, physical activity, water intake, weight, and more right on your phone. (It’s pretty cool!)

Losing some weight can help lower blood sugar levels, as well as reduce risk of complications due to diabetes. However, certain dieting methods can be dangerous for diabetics.

The first thing to do is to speak with your healthcare team. If you are not currently at a healthy weight, your physician will set a goal weight for you to reach. Check in regularly with your physician regarding your progress to ensure you remain on track.

Don’t fall for fads. While the “lose 20 pounds in a week with the XYZ diet” may sound appealing, don’t trust it. As with most things, if it sounds too good to be true, it probably isn’t true.

The healthiest way to go is to eat right, get moving, and take it slow. While the results may not be immediate, they will be worth it.

Check your blood sugar regularly, and track your levels. This can help you find patterns of when your sugar tends to rise (and drop) and can help you identify foods that are spiking your sugar.

Don’t skip meals. While it may be tempting to cut calories by not eating, this strategy will backfire. When you skip a meal, your blood sugar goes haywire. It can drop to unsafe levels; you will notice that you have less energy, and you may develop a headache, or stomachache.

When you finally do eat something, you are likely to over-eat (thereby consuming more calories than you would if you had eaten two regular meals), or make a less-than-ideal food choice because you are so hungry. Not to mention, your blood sugar will skyrocket because it is getting stimulated all at once instead of over the span of an entire day.

Eat regularly to make sure that your body is getting the fuel it needs. For some, this means 3 larger meals and 2 snacks, for others it may mean eating every 2-3 hours. Find what works best for your blood sugar.

Try cooking more meals at home. Experiment with foods you may not have tried before. Let your kids or grandkids try new foods, and new cooking techniques alongside you. Eating healthier can be a fun and positive way to bring the family together!

When grocery shopping, make a list and stick to it. Shop from the list and do not pick something off of the shelf simply because it looks good and you want it in that moment. Sticking to the perimeter of the store and avoiding the inner aisles sets you up for the freshest, whole foods available.

Avoid fast food. These foods are highly processed, and often contain far too many calories, fat, and sodium. These foods also tend to have little to no nutritional value, vitamins, minerals, or fiber.

Consistent physical activity, quality sleep, and stress management are also critical to weight loss. If you are not being active, and are exhausted or stressed, your diet won’t work regardless of what you eat.

Diet doesn’t have to be an evil word. It should represent the combination of healthy choices we make regarding the foods we eat. It is possible for diabetics to diet safely and effectively; a great healthcare team, access to good information, personal dedication, and a healthy dose of support are what it takes.

It may seem intimidating to reveal your health, fitness, or weight loss goals to friends, family, even strangers. That’s completely understandable. By reaching out and pushing the boundaries of your comfort zone, research has found that you are far more likely to reach your goals. So, log on, link up, and get going!






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